gvahim1Career Acceleration Program for Highly Skilled Olim
Learn how to successfully navigate your job search in Israel and find a quality position.


  • 4 days of workshops including interview skills, salaries & contract negotiations, self marketing skills, etc
  • Individual HR Career Consultation including adapting your CV
  • Mentoring
  • Job Search Support

• Olim up to 5 years in Israel
• Minimum Ulpan Aleph Hebrew Level
• At least one academic degree (« BA », « Licence », etc.)
• Actively searching for a quality job

NEXT SESSIONS: Beginning of March, Sunday mornings or Monday evenings.

Business Hebrew Course for Olim Professionals

Feel confident participating in the Israeli professional setting!

Join Gvahim and Ulpan Israeli’s Business Hebrew Course for Olim as a way to boost your job search and your integration in the Israeli workplace.

• Small classes (10-15 participants)
• Learn to write emails, give presentations, read professional documents, participate in business meetings
• Courses are tailored to the needs of each group
• Strong personalized support from your instructors

This course is for Olim who have already completed an intensive Ulpan and are looking to focus on Hebrew in the workplace and in business relationships.

The courses include 11 sessions, for a total of 33 hours.

February 17th –May 5th

Sundays or Tuesdays from 18:00- 21:00 at  at Gvahim.


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